baseballr - Acquiring and Analyzing Baseball Data
Provides numerous utilities for acquiring and analyzing baseball data from online sources such as 'Baseball Reference' <https://www.baseball-reference.com/>, 'FanGraphs' <https://www.fangraphs.com/>, and the 'MLB Stats' API <https://www.mlb.com/>.
Last updated 4 months ago
8.95 score 374 stars 582 scripts 1.3k downloads
hoopR - Access Men's Basketball Play by Play Data
A utility to quickly obtain clean and tidy men's basketball play by play data. Provides functions to access live play by play and box score data from ESPN<https://www.espn.com> with shot locations when available. It is also a full NBA Stats API<https://www.nba.com/stats/> wrapper. It is also a scraping and aggregating interface for Ken Pomeroy's men's college basketball statistics website<https://kenpom.com>. It provides users with an active subscription the capability to scrape the website tables and analyze the data for themselves.
Last updated 1 years ago
6.93 score 91 stars 261 scripts 1.4k downloads
wehoop - Access Women's Basketball Play by Play Data
A utility for working with women's basketball data. A scraping and aggregating interface for the WNBA Stats API <https://stats.wnba.com/> and ESPN's <https://www.espn.com> women's college basketball and WNBA statistics. It provides users with the capability to access the game play-by-plays, box scores, standings and results to analyze the data for themselves.
Last updated 8 months ago
5.36 score 28 stars 54 scripts 568 downloads
oddsapiR - Access Live Sports Odds from the Odds API
A utility to quickly obtain clean and tidy sports odds from The Odds API <https://the-odds-api.com>.
Last updated 2 years ago
3.48 score 6 stars 8 scripts 847 downloads